Lars Laj

guarantee | LARS LAJ®


Lars Laj

guarantee | LARS LAJ®

General guarantee conditions

1. General Guarantee of Lars Laj Playgrounds

5 years: Against failure due to material and components defects, hot-galvanized metal parts
like chains, posts etc, plastic parts, ropes- net construction.
We offer 5 years guarantee for wooden parts of PARK EQUIPMENT functional strength,
which are oil impregnated once a year.
10 years: guarantee for functional strength of W2W foundation. High durability of oak used
by us to produce our wooden foundation ensures their long- lasting.
Functional strength of wooden parts preserved by oil impregnation once a year in PIONEER,
Functional strength of steel foundation in PIONEER, DISCOVERY, PARK EQUIPMENT.
The warranty does not cover normal wear and tear, surface corrosion on metal parts,
discolored surfaces, or frailer due to misuse, or vandalism.
15 years: Functional strength of hot dip galvanized metal parts in ATLANTIS,
15 years guarantee for functional strength of steel foundation. The warranty is limited to parts
covered by the warranty.
20 years: Lifetime expected for PIONEER, DISCOVERY, NATUR PLAY, PARK
30 years: Lifetime expected for ATLANTIS, WONDERLAND, STAND ALONE, STREET

2.Guarantee conditions.

The guarantee covers the durability of the components used in Lars Laj products. The
guarantee period starts with the day of delivery from the factory.

3.Replacement of faulty parts.

The guarantee covers the free delivery of spare parts to the warehouse of the retail dealer in
question. Faulty parts have to be replaced by Lars Laj components. The inspection of delivery
has to be done before installation and possible damage has to be informed to our contact
person immediately.

4.Application of guarantee

The guarantee will only apply under the condition that the product has been installed and
maintained correctly according to the instructions administrated by Lars Laj Playgrounds.

5.The guarantee does not cover

The guarantee does not cover wear, tear, splintering, inappropriate use and vandalism. The
guarantee does not cover normal wear and tear, surface corrosion of the metal parts,
discolored surfaces, light fading or deformation of the wood, other cosmetic issues and faults
inducted by use, time or vandalism.

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Liste der Neuigkeiten

In der Planung eines Hundeparks müssen Aspekte wie Funktionalität, Ästhetik sowie ein Verständnis für die Bedürfnisse sowohl der Hunde als auch ihrer Besitzer kombiniert werden. Der Park sollte entsprechende Sicherheits- standards erfüllen und Hunden den notwendigen Platz für Aktivität                und Entwicklung bieten. Im Kontext begrenzter urbaner Räume ist es entscheidend, die zur Verfügung stehenden Flächen effizient zu nutzen.

Erziehung durch Interaktion! Beim Design von Themenspielplätzen werden oft verschiedene Berufe abgebildet, was Kindern eine frühe Auseinandersetzung mit einer Vielfalt an Alltagsszenarien ermöglicht.

Wir sind stolz, verkünden zu können, dass wir als Unternehmen Lars Laj das renomierte Ökosiegel Nordic Swan verliehen bekommen haben. Dieses Zertifikat belegt, dass uns die Umwelt am Herzen liegt und ist Nachweis dafür, dass wir Produkte von höchster Qualität herstellen, die langfristig nutzbar sind.


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